
Business Travel during and after such a disruption (#Corona)…

It is time to re-think how we travel for business..

We, people as well as organiszations, clearly could see during the last months that acceptable alternatives to traveling for business exist, at least for a short period of time.
So what actually changed?
Well, we can all agree that the notion of „certainty“ was disrupted. We can now be certain that change or even uncontrolable disruptions might happen, will happen.

What does it mean for the way you will now set up your business travel programs?
– More agility, specificaly in the choice of and agreements with suppliers,
– More flexibility, in the elaboration of your travel policies and internal travel decisions,
– A real NEW way of caring about the security of travelers = „after-pandemic duty of care“, especialy for risk groups among travelers…

Adapting to the current situation is always a necessity, our essential key words are now employee centricity and mindful (=reasonable) travel.

Contact the ExxSell Team to review your current set up and discuss the future of your program!


The ExxSell Team

ExxSell = To excell in..

…in process optimization, growth & problems solving! We are passionate about helping people and organisations achieve their potential. If you are stuck and are not sure what your next decision should be, contact us! Our ressources and experiences are at your disposal. management@exxsell.com.


Digitalization & Human Engagement

This is our world, a world of permanent connectivity, data, interfaces and end-usability.

Digitalisation is a must to be efficient by reducing non-productive but essential tasks and give the tools to human ressources to be successfull.

As our world and in particular our business world is changing at such a rapid pace, it is common to forget how important it is to also focus on why and how those digital tools can and should be used by PEOPLE.

It is certainly one thing to digitalize your processes to be more efficient, this should not be done without carefully planing how users will be involved.

At ExxSell, we will help you to redefine your internal processes to be more efficient and elaborate a communication plan to ensure human engagement. #redefineyourprocesses #inspireandmotivate